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Detecting Delta-8 — How Long Does Delta-8 THC Stay In Your Body?
Despite delta-8’s massive popularity, there’s a persistent fear in the hemp community. Countless customers are afraid of using delta-8 THC because they think it will appear on a drug test. Even though they may feel great after using delta-8, people don’t want to risk losing their job over this product.
As with many other hemp cannabinoids, scientists are still piecing together the standard effects of delta-8 THC. At this point, we’re still in the dark on how long delta-8 typically remains in a person’s system. There are also dozens of secondary factors that influence how long this cannabinoid sticks around.
Although everyone’s delta-8 absorption rate will differ, we know a few general facts about THC’s longevity. Understanding these factors could help you determine the best time to take one of Organic CBD Nugs’ delta-8 products.
So, How Long Will Delta-8 Stay In My System?
If you forced us to give a flat-out answer, we’d say that delta-8 remains in your body for 2 – 5 days after using it.
However, you shouldn’t use this estimate as the gospel truth!
There are so many variables that influence delta-8’s absorption in your body. We also have limited evidence on delta-8’s half-life versus delta-9 THC.
Most studies now suggest delta-9 THC has a half-life of approximately 1.5 days for light users. However, the more often you take this cannabinoid, the longer it will take to excrete it. The same could be true for delta-8 flowers, tinctures, and edibles.
It’s also essential to remember delta-8 THC breaks down into dozens of metabolites as it goes through the body. Often, these secondary compounds have a longer half-life than delta-8. Not only that, many cannabis tests screen for THC metabolites like THC-COOH.
If you use delta-8 THC regularly, it could take weeks before these metabolites clear. Heavy users may need to abstain from delta-8 for a month to eliminate this cannabinoid.
How Long Does Delta 8 Stay in Your Urine?
How long Delta 8 remains detectable in your urine will also depend on various factors. It can range from 4 days to 30 days, depending on the frequency of use, age, consumption method, individual metabolism, and other supplements or medications impacting the breakdown rate. For example, older people will typically metabolize Delta 8 compounds slower and new users can expect it to remain in their system for around four days.
How hydrated you are will also influence how much of the Delta 8 THC is in your urine. Drinking plenty of water can help flush out more via urination and dilute any remaining THC metabolites in your system.
What Factors Influence Delta-8’s Absorption Rate?
How often you use delta-8 plays a crucial role in this cannabinoid’s longevity. The more often you take delta-8, the longer it will remain in your system. Even if you have a fast metabolism, it will probably take a week for delta-8 to leave your body after one session.
Speaking of metabolism, your age and body type could alter how long delta-8 lingers in your system. Typically, younger people burn off delta-8 faster than older customers. Since average metabolism slows as we age, it will take more time to process delta-8 later in life.
Plus, since delta-8 is a fat-soluble compound, it usually gets trapped in fat cells after you use it. People who have a higher-than-average BMI may have more delta-8 in their system due to this cannabinoid’s fat solubility.
Will Drug Tests Mistake Delta-8 For Delta-9?
It would be nice if cannabis tests could tell the difference between illegal delta-9 and legal hemp-derived cannabinoids. Unfortunately, most of today’s THC tests aren’t sophisticated. If your cannabis test picks up anything that slightly resembles delta-9 or a THC metabolite, it could trigger a positive reading.
Delta-8 and delta-9 have distinct molecular structures, but they are still remarkably similar. The only distinction between these cannabinoids has to do with the placement of a double-bond. Since this difference is incredibly subtle, it’s unlikely most cannabis tests will screen it out.
Also, don’t forget that these cannabis tests often look for THC metabolites. At this point, we have to assume delta-8 produces similar metabolites to delta-9 THC. This adds yet another degree of risk to your drug screening procedure.
When Should I Stop Taking Delta-8 Before A Drug Test?
Truthfully, nobody knows how long delta-8 stays in the body before a drug screening. That’s why it’s so scary to use this cannabinoid before going to work or (heaven forbid!) on a lunch break.
If you enjoy delta-8 and you want to avoid a positive drug screening, you should be extra conservative when planning your delta-8 sessions. For light users, you should abstain from delta-8 for at least one week before a scheduled drug test. Heavy users may need as long as one month to get all of the delta-8 out of their system.
Please remember that the science into delta-8 absorbability is in its infancy. Perhaps we will have better ways to scan for this cannabinoid in the future. However, at this point, you should consider avoiding delta-8 products for a few weeks before drug screenings.
Are There Any Hemp Products That Are “Undetectable?”
If you’re paranoid about failing a drug screening, then you should focus your attention on CBD products. Specifically, you should only look into broad-spectrum CBD oils or CBD isolate powder. Unlike full-spectrum CBD, these products must contain zero percent THC, thus eliminating the risk of a false-positive reading.
Although full-spectrum CBD oils must have ≤ 0.3 percent delta-9 THC, that could be enough to land you in trouble. True, it’s unlikely this low amount of THC will turn up on a drug test, but stranger things have happened.
Also, please never assume a company offering “THC-free” CBD oil is telling the truth. Sadly, many manufacturers put out inferior CBD products that don’t live up to their advertisements. The only way you could verify your CBD products have zero THC is to ask for a third-party lab screening.
Also known as Certificates of Analysis, these unbiased lab tests have become the standard in today’s hemp industry. Since there’s no FDA oversight on hemp products, reputable companies must invest in these high-quality analyses. If you’re having difficulty getting COAs from a hemp manufacturer, then you shouldn’t buy from them.
So, Should I Avoid Organic CBD Nugs’ Delta-8 Flowers?
Delta-8 THC has many potential benefits for people who want to experience a slightly psychoactive cannabinoid. However, Organic CBD Nugs understands delta-8 may not fit everyone’s risk tolerance.
Employees that have to submit regular drug screenings have to be extra careful when adding delta-8 to their weekly routine. Even if you only take delta-8 THC a few days per week, it could stay in your body for a long time. Plus, since everyone has a different physiology, there’s no way of knowing how long it will take for delta-8 to leave your system.
If you have serious concerns about delta-8 appearing on a urine test, we’d hold off on taking this cannabinoid for the time being. At the very least, employees should experiment with delta-8 during a vacation when they have plenty of free time. When you’re on the job, you may want to focus on Organic CBD Nugs’ high-quality CBD products.
Hopefully, as hemp cannabinoids become more widely accepted, scientists will find ways to adapt their screening technologies for delta-8. Until that day arrives, employees should be extra cautious about when they choose to use delta-8 THC.